Members: Please submit your news through this link to be included in the monthly Chamber enewsletter. Information posted in the enewsletter is also posted by volunteers on the Chamber's Social Media Pages: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter.
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The Chamber has completely rebranded itself, refined our mission and has found our place in the community in the last year. The changes we have made have been well received and the need for an active Chamber is evident. Our events are well attended. We have gained a record number of new members.
As the year 2013 winds down, the Chamber reflects on another successful year of growth! We have gained many new members, our events are consistently well attended, and we have an active and responsive Board.
This fall, FACET completed its first Teacher Mini-Grant funding round. All district teachers were invited to submit proposals and nearly $5,000 was committed to impacting all facets of a Fairport Education.
Here are some events in November at Maplewood Estates!
November 7th Jimmy V. Performs at 7PM
November 9th Dedication Ceremony for Veterans at 11:30AM
November 11th Veterans BBQ at 11:30PM followed by a Performance by Jerry Warren at 2PM
Join us and test drive a new Chevrolet for a great cause!
Chevrolet will donate $10 for every new Chevrolet test drive to the American Cancer Society, and Kitty will match it.
This is FPCC's newsletter for October 2013. Enclosed is the president's message as well as articles on networking and some of the Chamber's newest members.
A breif exerpt from a D&C article from September 2013:
They say you can’t judge a book by its cover.
People often confuse the Fairport/Perinton Chamber of Commerce with other business groups in the community. Unlike others, our group is fully volunteer and independent. Other than enrollment fees and small event fees, we never solicit our members to contribute financially beyond that. We continuously seek to provide new benefits to our members, and the Chamber benefits from your participation and ideas.
I am pleased to issue my first post to you as president of the Fairport Perinton Chamber.
Join us on July 4th for the Chamber sponsored Parade and Party in the Park.
The Parade begins at 10 AM from Main Street and Church Street, ending at Perinton Park. Chamber members will be riding in the parade in vehicles provided by Chamber member Van Bortel Ford.
Summer marks a busy time for the Chamber, with final preparations for one of our annual events, The July 4th Parade and Party in the Park.
We would like to talk about the importance of commu-nity and about how the Chamber is looking to be-come more involved in the community as a whole.
Are you looking to maxim-ize benefits and minimize the negative impacts of change on workers? Our next Breakfast speaker is for you!
As we look forward to a great 2013, I would be re-miss if I didn’t look back at all we have accomplished this past year! Last January, we had a brand new Execu-tive team and Board of Di-rectors. We met weekly for 4 months as we “redesigned” the Chamber and headed it in a new direction!